Events & Info

First Lutheran School Messenger

Isaiah 40:31 “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;…”
Issue No.  37                                                        June 6, 2024

Good morning. Tonight is the big night for our eight eighth grade graduates. With the Field Day last Friday for 7th and 8th grades at Look Park, the 8th grade breakfast at Cracker Barrel this past Tuesday, and graduation rehearsals this week all behind them, these five young men and three young women close out their FLCS careers with tonight’s ceremony. It promises to be a special time of smiles, hugs, and, yes, some tears. Our graduates will be leaving us and furthering their education at several area high schools. Our recent graduates have met with great success after FLCS, and I expect to hear of similar results from this group. They are a special bunch, and they will be missed.

As I mentioned briefly last week, another who will be missed is middle school history and art teacher, Mrs. Linda Rex. She had already retired—twice—from positions in education when she joined us for these past two years. She quickly formed a mutual bond of love and respect with all of our middle schoolers, and most especially with her beloved 7th graders. I have the utmost respect for this friend of almost 40 years, and I wish her many blessings in what will be her third retirement!

Graduation is always a bittersweet time, filled as it is with both memories and promise. This feeling is especially strong in my case, for, as you know, I also am retiring (again), this time for real. My wife and I have loved this school since it opened in 1981, and First Lutheran is our church, so I won’t be a stranger. But it is time to pass on the reins to Mr. Stone and allow him to put his own stamp of leadership on this marvelous school. I won’t miss the 6 a.m. start to my day Monday through Friday, or the long hours well outside of the regular school day. I won’t miss having to decide on a snow day when our students come to us from 21 cities and towns. And I won’t miss the sight of a student who has been sent to “The Bench” for misbehaving in class, or the subsequent phone call to a parent.

What I WILL miss is the daily interaction with my staff, who are the finest group of people with whom I have ever worked, as well as the friendships established with a good many parents and grandparents. And, of course, I will miss the students, who have reminded me every day of just how blessed I am. In my first few months here, I received a note from a first grader that said, “Mr. Lastowski, you are a good pricibo.” Despite the cute spelling error (and I am sure Mrs. Provost continued to work with the lad on that skill), the note made me smile. “Pricibo,: I am good with that.

I have been truly blessed to serve here these past three-and-a -half years, and I want to thank each one of you for your kindnesses towards me. My wife’s pet name for me since I became principal has been “Mr. Rogers.” Well, folks, it is simply time for Mr. Rogers to leave “The Neighborhood.” God’s richest blessings to each of you.

Bob Lastowski



Hot Dog Friday  ~ Money collected Thursday 

Chick-Fil-A Monday  ~ Money collected Friday 

Pizza Wednesday ~ Money collected Tuesday 

Hot Dog Friday 6/7 ~ Money collected Thursday

Chick-Fil-A Monday  ~ Money collected Friday



For those who have not yet returned your re-enrollment packets for next year, please do so by the end of June, particularly if you are choosing the 12-month payment plan. Payments for the 2024-2025 school year begin in July so we need to have those accounts set up and ready to go that first week in July.

We still have some yearbooks available.  They are available in the office for $20.00 each.

Mr. Stone & Mrs. Ferguson will be in the office and on duty MOST weekdays from 8 a.m.-12 pm, but their schedules are flexible. Mr. Lastowski will also have flexible hours through the end of June. Voicemails and emails will be monitored regularly, so PLEASE call or email before coming in. Making an appointment is the best way to secure a time. Thank you!

Key Fobs

All fobs will be deactivated after 11:30 a.m. dismissal on June 7th.  If you want to return your fob & have your deposit returned, you may, or you can keep it for next year.

Final report cards, honor roll certificates, final Eagles’ Nest bill, and any other remaining correspondence will be mailed home on June 16th.

Watch for a letter at the beginning of July.  The summer letter will contain next year’s supply list, the school calendar any major changes and other important information. We will also continue communications by email over the summer months.

Mrs. Rodgrigues is stepping away from Eagles’ Nest Supervisor and moving to Morning Care.  Mrs. Pazsak will take her place as Eagles’ Nest Supervisor, but we are now in need of an Eagles’ Nest Aide. This is a paid position. The hours are Monday – Friday, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. every full day of school.  If you are interested, please call the office or see Mr. Lastowski or Mr. Stone.

VBS plans are underway! We will be transforming fellowship hall into an under water experience, to do so we need your help. Below is a list of items that we need to make coral reefs, jellyfish, lobsters, and much more.

VBS will be held the week of July 22nd – July 26th.  Registration forms are available in the church/school office.

-plastic bottle caps (water, soda, juice)

-plastic tablecloths (blue, green, white)

-curling ribbon (all colors)

-party streamers (blue, green, white)

-cardboard egg cartons

-googly eyes (all sizes)


-cardboard boxes (all sizes)

-glue sticks for hot glue guns

-spray paint (all colors)

-pool noodles (all colors)

-plain bed sheets (blue, white, tan)

-acrylic paint (all colors)

-colorful tissue

-pipe cleaners (all colors)

-cash donations to purchase vbs materials

We would also like to borrow a hot knife to cut foam if anyone has one. There will be a collection box in the hallway or you can leave larger items on the stage in fellowship hall. Any way you can help would be really appreciated. I will be letting everyone know when the work times are scheduled. Any questions ask Bonnie Bessette or email

Thursday, June 6th ~ 8th grade graduation ~ 7:00 p.m.

Friday, June 7th ~ Last day of school ~ 11:30 a.m. dismissal

Thursday, June 13th ~ VBS work party ~ 6:30 p.m.

Monday, June 17th ~ VBS work party ~ 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, June 18th ~ VBS work party ~ 6:30 p.m.

Monday, July 22nd – Friday, July 26th ~ Vacation Bible School

Wednesday, August 28th ~ First day of the 2024-2025 school year.






